Welcome Welcome

Welcome to the UniSchooLabS website! 

The UniSchooLabS project finished on 30 September 2012. This website will remain live for reference.

Here you will find all information related to the UniSchooLabS project, the latest news, events, progress updates and publications.

The UnischooLabS website is aimed at teachers and anyone who wishes to use Universities' laboratories in their classrooms or for their personal interest. It includes information related to the project which has now finished, its progress throughout it's duration, access to the Toolkit and all related events.

From here, you can also access the UniSchooLabS community which is available to all teachers who have used or are just interested in the Toolkit.

We hope you enjoy your visit!


The UniSchooLabS partners

What teachers say about UniSchooLabS...? What teachers say about UniSchooLabS...?

“Middle school students generally enjoy and are motivated by online activities. High school students can use them for independent learning with individual time management.”

“It certainly would bring in many more concepts to the classroom that are at present not possible and so enable the students to "experiment" much more.”

“Most students thought that it would be a good idea to use virtual laboratories more often because it is more interesting than normal lessons and it helps them get acquainted with modern technology on such fields.”

“Working with the toolkit was quite enjoyable and interesting for the students. Due to this fact they were motivated to learn more about the subject. Moreover, students mentioned they enjoyed working in groups.”

Explore the Toolkit Explore the Toolkit

In the UniSchooLabs Toolkit, activities are web sites accessible to students that comprise both the lab learning materials (a digital textbook) and the lab notebook (a digital writing collaborative environment). This allows the teacher to organize the learning material for each phase of the lab activities, while the students will add their outputs (written records comprising: text, data, graphs, mathematical expressions) to the lab notebook. To access the Toolkit go here.

Download materials Download materials

Download the brochures:

Download the logo:


UniSchooLabS is funded with support from the European Commission.
This document reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.