UniSchooLabS at EDEN 2011 Open Classroom Conference UniSchooLabS at EDEN 2011 Open Classroom Conference

Acropolis, Athens

A UniSchooLabS workshop took place during the 2011 Open Classroom Conference  which was held in Athens (Pallini), in Ellinogermaniki Agogi on 27-29 October 2011.

The workshop aimed to inspire teachers of primary and secondary education into using remote and virtual labs as means of enhancing science teaching and making it more effective and interesting for their students. Participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the UniSchooLabS toolkit which includes a catalogue of remote and virtual laboratories, numerous good practices associated with the previously mentioned laboratories and finally a tool which allows teachers to design their own activities for their classroom using remote and virtual labs. The tutors presented all labs included in the platform, outlined their purpose and demonstrated their main functionalities. They also demonstrated how these labs may be utilized to carry out activities like those included in the toolkit, using an example activity. Finally, the tool for creating new activities was presented and participants had the opportunity to use the tool themselves to create an example activity based on a set of digital materials that were provided by the organisers of the workshop.

UniSchooLabS is funded with support from the European Commission.
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