The UniSchooLabs Project The UniSchooLabs Project

UniSchooLabS project finished on 30 September 2012.

UniSchooLabS aimed to improve the quality in science education in Europe, by promoting collaboration between universities and schools in the provision of remote access to science laboratories for primary and secondary schools through internet-based services and mobile learning devices.

What is a Virtual/Remote Laboratory
A Remote laboratory makes use of telecommunications to remotely conduct real experiments, at the physical location of the operating technology, whilst the person running the experiment is utilising technology from a separate geographical location.

A Virtual laboratory though is an interactive environment for creating and conducting simulated experiments.

UniSchooLabS Aims
The aim of UniSChooLabs was to improve the quality of science education in Europe. The pedagogical approaches and scenarios developed by the project were based upon inquiry-based learning and problem-solving approaches, where learners learn by doing and through inquiry (science experiments) both in real and in virtual settings.

UniSchooLabS Results
Twelve (12) Good Practices (GPs) of remote access labs were selected and a toolkit explaining how to use them and including pedagogical scenarios was created. The toolkits were then tested by ten (10) schools.

UniSchooLabS Partners
UniSchooLabS was carried out by Scienter S. Cons.r.l. ( Scienter ) together with European Schoolnet ( EUN ), MENON Network EEIG ( MENON ), Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche (CNR-ITD ) and Ellinogermaniki Agogi Panagae-Savva S.A. ( EA ). UniSchooLabS was funded under the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme (DG Education and Culture).

UniSchooLabS supporting laboratories
The UniSchooLabs project acknowledges the kind support of the labs' owners that have enabled schools to use remote and virtual labs in their science classes.
Click here to access the complete list of available laboratories.

UniSchooLabS Partners UniSchooLabS Partners


Anne-Christin Tannhäuserne

Claudio Dondi


Àgueda Gras-Velázquez

Evita Tasiopoulou


Chiara Piccolo

Fabio Nascimbeni


Augusto Chioccariello

Andrea Ceregini


Eleftheria Tsourlidaki


Pilot teachers and schools Pilot teachers and schools

Below, you can see all Pilot teachers and their schools that participated to the UniSchooLabS Pilot between 2011-2012. Many thanks to all for your help and support!


Daniela Ambrosi

Daniela Ambrosi


Zuzana Galambos

Corrado Gamberonci

Corrado Gamberonci


Ruth Lowenstein




Thodoris Pierattos


Thodoris Pierratos


Pilot Schools

Liceo Galileogalileipg

Liceo Galileogalileipg

BG Klosterneuburg

BG Klosterneuburg

Instituto Torno

Instituto Torno

UniSchooLabS is funded with support from the European Commission.
This document reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.