Laboratory Laboratory

HYPATIA (Hybrid Pupil's Analysis Tool for Interactions in Atlas) is part of the ATLAS ASEC (ATLAS Student Event Challenge), an educational project at the frontier of Particle Physics.

The HYPATIA project enables high schools students together with their teachers to study the fundamental particles of matter and their interactions through the inspection of the graphic visualization/display of the products of particle collisions. These products are "events" detected by the ATLAS experiment at new world’s most powerful particle accelerator, the LHC in the European Particle Research Centre, CERN in Geneva.
  • Quick laboratory facts:
    • Science subject: Particle physics
    • Offered by: University of Athens and the Institute of Physics in Belgrade
    • Language of the interface: English
    • Registration needed: NO
    • Recommended because: Lab is available for download. Two examples class activities are present in out tool-kit, some exercises are available at the website of the lab
    • Additional software needed: NO
  • Guides and material for teachers:
    • Teacher and learning material offered: Two good practices are available: 1) Conservation of momentum and 2) Introduction to elementary particles


    • Academic publications on pedagogical lab use: Inspiring Science Learning - Proceedings of the "Learning with ATLAS@CERN" Workshops (EPINOIA, 2010, ISBN Number: 978-960-473-219-7)
    • Notes: The lab is recommended for High school students. 
Activities Activities

Introduction to particle physics
In this exercise students will learn about the different types of elementary particles and how they are detected by their orbits inside the Large Hadron Collider (Large Hadron Collider - LHC).

Conservation of momentum in particle collisions
Students will determine the total momentum from all particles tracked after a particle collision and will calculate (magnitude & direction) the missing momentum by applying two different methods of adding vectors.

UniSchooLabS is funded with support from the European Commission.
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