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Creating a new Activity Creating a new Activity

To create a new lab activity or reuse an existing one, you’ll need the assistance of the Unischoolabs support team.

Please use the following links to:


 Request a brand new activity


 Reuse an existing activity

As well as authoring content, you can create accounts for your students. In this way, they can work in their own time and pace, in a safe and private environment. The UniSchooLabs administrator will grant you those rights shortly after receiving your request.

In the meantime you can:


Download the activity guide (.pdf, Adobe Reader needed);

Start practicing in the activities' sandbox. (Sandbox)

Activities Activities


Sour salts? The pH of salt solutions
By empirically testing neutralization reactions between different acids and alkalis in a virtual lab, students should find out why some of the resulting salt solutions have a pH other than 7 / neutral.

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UniSchooLabS is funded with support from the European Commission.
This document reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.